Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Chance for some blogging...

What is happening in Copenhagen next month?

What are the goals?

What are some of the keys to success?

What is the general outlook?


Anonymous said...

During December 6-18, Copenhagen will host the United Nation’s Climate Change Conference. The conference is the 15th Conference of Parties in the Framework Convention on Climate Change. The Kyoto Protocol to prevent climate change and global warming expires in 2012, therefore the goal is to extend the treaty and expand the emission reduction targets. NGO’s, journalists and government representatives from 170 countries are expected to attend.

The European Commission released a paper in 2009 predicting “a comprehensive climate agreement in Copenhagen.” The position paper addresses 3 challenges: “targets and actions, financing of low-carbon development and adaptation, and building an effective global carbon market.”

It is critical that huge emerging nations, such as China, are included in protocol. The provisions must not be overly costly or potentially harm economies and must result in a decrease in global temperatures.
-Andrew S.

Anonymous said...

I think one of the biggest keys to success is to come out of Copenhagen with some binding goals for both developing and developed countries. Having some sort of accountability will increase the chances that any of the proposed mitigation actually happens.
Many of the large and influential developing countries have the same stance they have had since the Kyoto Protocol; they believe that the rich countries should help financially with achieving these goals.
A. Parker

Anonymous said...

The Climate Debate in Copenhagen (next week)will hopefully set goals and reductions for lower emissions. Creating new legislation to reduce the world's green house gas emissions is crucial in order to have a healthy planet and creatures in the future. The meeting will invovle over 100 national leaders from around the world. The focus of the Copenhagen meeting will be how to reduce pollution emissions realistically in developing and developed nations.
The Kyoto Protocol was not a huge success, and the goal of the Copenhagen meeting is to create effective legislation pertaiing to emissions reductions. The keys to success are developing concrete policy for all deveopling and developed nations to abide by. It is vital that China and the U.S. agree to some sort of climate reduction, considering they are the two largest green house gas emitters worldwide.
As of right now, the likelihood of the U.S. and China on siging a treaty in Copenhagen is low. While both the U.S. and China have agreed to making emissions reductions standards, neither country has commited to joining any new climate legislation at the Copenhagen meeting.
-D. Schenck

Anonymous said...

Copenhagen, Denmark is hosting the 15th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP15). There is an expected 15,000 participants representing 192 countries meeting to address the current climate issues, their sources, and possible solutions. The main goal as stated by COP 15 organizers is "to stabilize the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere at a level that prevents dangerous man-made climate changes."
Since the Kyoto Protocol expires in 2012, a major key to the success of stabilizing the amount of ghg's in the atmosphere at a "safe," acceptable level, is to not only establish a new type of protocol, but to also develop new incentive-based strategies that will accomplish the same task. If the Kyoto Protocol is to be renewed, the issue of certain nations restraining because of economic international competitiveness must be addressed and resolved as well.
While COP15 is not supposed to deliver any final agreements about the post-2012 ghg targets, it is expected to deliver an agreed upon outline for further negotiations among nations on the matter.
- Jessica Patrick