Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Final thoughts

What aspects of the course did you find the most interesting?
What are the key lessons that you'll take from the course?


Brian Graham said...

I found the course very informative and educating. I had vague generalizations about the environment and natural resource use that were sharpened throughout the course. I especially found the specifics of valuation very interesting and applicable. My career path involves fisheries management and coral reef conservation among other ecosystem related sciences so the lectures/discussions pertaining to that was very useful to indulge in. I would recommend this course to any environmental science, biology or economics major due to its relevance in the present and future to the economy.

Rachel Davis said...

I found so much of this course interesting and hope to keep the lectures to use them in the future. I especially liked the straight forwardness of the lectures because it was a lot of new information for me to learn. Being brand new to economics, it was an eye-opener how to use the methods to do good! I wanted to save the world, and now I have more tools to do it! Also, I finally figured out how to post to a blog-this is my first- and I hope to keep it for future research and studying.

Unknown said...

I found this course to be very interesting and it helped me to understand some other economic theories I have been studying. Especially, Henry George's Progres and Poverty (I am making slow progress in this book). Mostly, the class helped complete the big picture of economics and helped me to understand why the world is experiencing such problems.

Unknown said...

I found this course to be very interesting and it helped me to understand some other economic theories I have been studying. Especially, Henry George's Progres and Poverty (I am making slow progress in this book). Mostly, the class helped complete the big picture of economics and helped me to understand why the world is experiencing such problems.