Monday, December 10, 2012

Final thoughts?

Last chance for some participation credit...

What were your most/least favorite parts of the class?

What were some central themes?

What can I do to improve blog participation?

Saturday, December 1, 2012

What works in fisheries managment, and why.

Here is a great article by J. Sutinen illustrating the historical failure of command-and-control approaches to fisheries management. 

You don't have to take an economist's word for it.  Read more here and here and here and here.

Marine Spatial Planning as a means of curtailing overfishing

MSP is essentially zoning in the ocean.
Read about it here at the University of Hawaii (application to tuna).
More here at UNESCO and here at the Ocean Conservancy
Note the call for valuation in the first article.
How can economic valuation help in MSP?

Two additional solutions for slowing deforestation

The first is called "extractive reserves", which sounds a bit contradictory. The idea is to allow selective and sustainable extraction of certain resources while preserving the ecosystem as a whole.  Read more about extractive reserves here at World Watch Institute.

"Intercropping" is another idea that looks great. By planting certain species of trees alongside staple crops, nutrients are retained in the soil, significantly increasing yields. Read about tree intercropping here at

Deforestation in Amazon slows down a bit

Here's the story from the BBC.