Thursday, October 16, 2008

Tightening the lead performance standard

Here is an article from the NY Times discussing the EPA's recent reduction in allowable lead pollution. Notice that this is a health-based standard.

I found the unintended consequence interesting as well ... this stricter standard may reduce the recycling of car batteries.

1 comment:

Custodian said...

This is a very interesting article for several reasons.
I am not sure economics were the underpinnings of this decision....But then again in America, everything does.. Only time will tell. However, that drastic cut may be coming a bit too later for a large number of affected persons. Besides it will not take effect for several years (8 to be exact). Is this enough time for those in the lead business to get into a new line of business? Or it it more time to pollute before going out f business? What compounds this is the extent to which lead pollution is monitored. Network broken down? No wonder lead pollution is deem to be significant.

However this is a good example of health standard/valuation determining performance standards. Money is not everything, but measuring it in money terms can accomplish a lot of things.

As for the effects of lead poisoning, this will endure for a while and generations have to virtually outgrow the lead in their systems. This is a heavy price to pay for environmental abuse. These companies should be made to pay for the affect persons health treatment.

Besides a 90% reduction all of a sudden. There must be some other evidence or supporting data to show that that level of cut was needed.

The lead business will go out of business if they use old technology. This is good squeeze by the authorities. Use technology or go home!
