Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Community control, land grabbing and deforestation

Here is a nice short read at The Equation.

Who was Elinor Ostrom? How does her research relate to our class?


Will Davis said...

Elinor Ostrom is the first woman to win a shared Nobel Prize for economics. She travelled around the world studying different social dilemmas. Her motto was, “no panaceas!” Always believing in smaller groups and communities that thrived through a combined effort.
This article discusses her research on the transfer on forest lands to communities. It mainly focused on South American communities. It closely relates to what we have been studying in class because she took into account the national effort REDD+. This is helping to reduce emissions from deforestation. When forest land is given over to Indigenous communities the land can no longer be deforested. This reduces emissions and increases the amount of carbon sequestration. This reduction, under REDD+, provides these South American counties with payments from wealthier countries. This also comes back to the idea of incentives. As they reduce their emissions they will receive more money and hopefully it will incentivize them to continue with reductions.
Quote from: http://www.economist.com/node/21557717

Joe Rodriguez said...

Elinor Ostrom won the 2009 Nobel Prize in Economics for her studies on how common-property resources are looked after globally. The article largely discusses transfering tropical forests, which have long been owned by governments, to local communities that are indigenous to the area. Ostrom was an advocate for smaller groups that combined their efforts to look after the envrionment, rather than being under government control.
The article touches on REDD+ (reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, plus related pro-forest activities). REDD+ is designed to give countries compensation on how well they are able to conserve their forests. There is evidence that shows that having smaller communities responsible for the well-being of the environment (as Ostrom's research shows), is more advantageous than having the country's government be responsible. If this proves to be true, we will likely see more and more governments hand over the legal rights to lands to small communities in order to receive compensation.

Cortney Driver said...

Elinor Ostrom won a Nobel Prize in economic science. Her research showed that ordinary people are capable of creating rules and institutions that allow for the sustainable and management of resources. She studied how common property resources are looked after globally. She was all for small communities that were able to survive in a combined effort. The article talks about REDD+. This means helping reduce emissions from deforestation. REDD+ gives countries compensation for conserving forests. This approach provides an incentive for reducing emissions.